Move that tassel to the left and celebrate because you are a high school graduate! Happy, right?! With graduation said and done, you may experience mixed emotions in the time leading up to your departure for college. You may feel enthusiastic about your next chapter, or you may be worried about leaving your support system. Either way, know that you are going to be ok. Let’s focus on what you can do to feel prepared to tackle what’s next. We compiled a list of things you can do the summer before college:
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Express Gratitude
Think of all the people who supported you throughout your high school experience and college search. This may include family, friends, coaches, teachers, school counselors, or other champions. Be sure to let them know you appreciate their guidance and encouragement. Feel free to write a thank you note or brainstorm other creative ways to express your gratitude.
Make Time for Family and Friends
Whether it’s your family, friends, or your pets, be sure to spend extra quality time with your loved ones. Go to your favorite sandwich shop, organize outdoor adventures with your friends, and savor the joy of family dinners. Make plans to keep in touch by scheduling weekly FaceTime calls or exchanging addresses for snail mail.
Reflect in a Journal
Write down some of your favorite memories, detail your dreams for the future, or describe your childhood. You may not see it now, but the summer before college is a special time in your life. Even if you’re hoping to leave high school behind, firmly in the past, reflecting in a journal can help you let go and focus on the future.
Read a Book for Pleasure
Take advantage of your summer before college, and all the free time it offers. When your first semester at college begins, you may not have a spare moment to enjoy leisure reading. If you’re having trouble finding a book that interests you, check out your college’s website. Many colleges will recommend a book for all first-year students to read. It may serve as an icebreaker at orientation or a discussion topic during your First-Year Experience class. In special cases, some colleges host the author, giving you the opportunity to hear them lecture!
Complete any Additional Requirements before Fall Semester
Before fall classes begin, there may be some final items you need to complete for your school. Make sure to check your new college email address to stay up to date with information related to orientation, your classes, and, if you are living on-campus, move-in. If you need to send your final high school transcripts, your high school counselor will be able to help you submit those documents to your college. Finally, be sure to make any last-minute doctor appointments to get up to date on your immunization requirements, if required, before college starts.
Organize Your Finances
Have an open conversation with your family about handling your college finances. Do you have a bank account set up? Some colleges offer the option of student IDs that act as debit cards, allowing students to deposit and withdraw money on campus. Keep in mind that these cards may only permit purchases at college facilities such as student centers and dining halls. Check your college’s website to learn more about their offerings, and how that plays into handling your finances.
Check-In with your Mental Health
Your mental health matters, so pause to check in with yourself. Are you burnt out? Which pressures and stressors are impacting your daily life? Depending on your situation and obligations, taking a break may look different for each person. Make sure you are dedicating time to relax and recharge, however that may look for you.
Finally, make sure to download the Encourage app to stay on track of other milestones you need to complete before college and beyond.