Are you an educator looking for unique ways to ignite your students’ curiosity and drive for learning? Then work-integrated learning, or WIL, is something to consider.
Before diving into the WIL world, it’s important to understand what the methodology is all about. In this article, we’ll discuss what work-integrated learning is, highlight some of its benefits, and end with some helpful examples for you to try in your classroom.
Table of Contents
What is work-integrated learning?
Work-integrated learning is a form of work experience integrated into the classroom. It enables young people to get hands-on training and real-world practice that helps them learn and grow.
WIL boasts many benefits, such as increased retention rates, improved employability, and expanded access to real-world opportunities. Companies like Google, for example, use this approach to provide internships and real-world experience for their employees.
Universities and schools often also use work-integrated learning to offer a fresh, unique, and engaging educational experience.
Teachers can apply work-integrated learning in numerous ways, including student internships, community service, work placements, or volunteering.
How students (and educators!) benefit from work-integrated learning
Work-integrated learning benefits students by providing real-life experience and the opportunity to meet, chat, and form lasting relationships with industry leaders. Additionally, WIL teaches students how to think critically about their work, make impactful decisions, and build a deeper awareness of the ever-changing world around them.
Students will also develop highly sought-after workplace skills, including:
- Social and interpersonal skills
- Leadership abilities
- Critical thinking skills
- Confidence
- Initiative
As a teacher, you can benefit from implementing WIL practices into your classroom, too. When your students feel excited about and in control of their learning, you’ll enjoy higher retention rates, attention, engagement, and motivation. You can bask in the joy of an attentive, eager-to-learn classroom!
Work-integrated learning examples
Work-integrated learning isn’t limited to week-long placements in an office—in reality; the opportunities are near endless. Some common examples of work-integrated learning programmes include:
- Academic internships at local film production companies, where academic interns participate in all aspects of film production,
- Academic internships at non-profit companies, where academic interns help execute projects aligned with the company’s mission,
- Applied projects, which are tasks that resemble what you would do if you were employed,
- Fieldwork, where students assist researchers in collecting and collating raw data.
Remember—you can still implement WIL methodology if you’re unable to leave the classroom. Virtual or simulated experiences are a fantastic way to achieve the same outcome without entering a real workplace environment.
Examples of virtual or simulated WIL experiences include:
- Using virtual reality software to experience a workplace environment,
- Creating a mock courtroom in your class and having students reenact roles,
- Building a PC using a digital app,
- Meeting with industry experts via video conference.
To summarise, work-integrated learning is an innovative way to integrate real-world experience into your class curriculum. Not only can WIL function as a steppingstone to gaining workplace skills, but it can also prepare students for the challenges of everyday life.
By implementing work-integrated learning in your classroom, you’ll enjoy invaluable benefits, including higher retention rates, increased curiosity, and skyrocketing motivation.
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