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What is the Difference Between 100% Job Guarantee and Placement Assistance?

What is the Difference Between 100% Job Guarantee and Placement Assistance?

What is the Difference Between 100% Job Guarantee and Placement Assistance?

Everyone dreams of finding their dream job once their education is complete. Many of the students start thinking or preparing for the perfect job towards the end of the course or during the course years. But, even before you join a course at an institute, you should consider the placement features of an institute. While a few educational institutions provide placement guarantees, some provide placement assistance.

Do you know the difference between placement assistance and 100% guaranteed job placement? These two terms may sound similar but are not the same. If you are unaware of the difference or are confused between the two, here is everything you need to know.

Let us understand the difference between a 100% job guarantee and placement assistance.

What is Placement Assistance?

First and foremost, you should understand that a job is not ensured in a placement assistance program. These programs provide the guidance you need to find the right jobs. The chances of you getting a job are completely dependent on you and your performance.

The help through placement assistance in your educational institutions will facilitate an interview for you with an employer. Depending on your profile and ability, you could secure a job. The service providers who work with the placement assistance program do not take any guarantee that you will be placed. But, they will provide the right opportunities for interviews. If you are unable to qualify for the interview, they may send you to another interview.

It is to be noted that placement assistance will not provide any written commitment regarding your placement. However, if you are associated with a trusted and reputed organisation, you could get placement easily.

The placement assistance service providers usually fix a few weeks or a month as a placement period once your course is finished. They may arrange several interviews with different employers during that period. Your selection for the job will be completely dependent on your ability. Generally, they are no longer liable to send you to any interviews once the placement period is over.

Sunstone stands out in these areas as we offer at least 50+ interviews with renowned global organisations. We have a great track record of job placements so far and have provided placement to all aspirants in the placement period itself.

What are the Features of Placement Assistance?

What is a Placement Guarantee Program?

A job or placement guarantee program is as simple as the name, it guarantees the job. The guaranteed placement program services provide a guarantee that they will give you a job after the course. Irrespective of any concerns, you will get a placement if you pass the course. The placement is 100% guaranteed. When an educational institution offers a 100% job guarantee, they will provide you with a job anyhow.

Under the placement guarantee program, the service providers will arrange interviews and other opportunities once you complete the course. If you pass the interview and get a job with your ability, it is good but, if you fail to do so, you don’t have to worry! The educational institute will provide you with a job since they have guaranteed 100% placement.

The institute will look into all matters of concern. You don’t have to worry about what and how a job will be arranged. There is no fixed time period. Under the placement guarantee program, the service providers will continue to arrange interviews until the student gets a job in hand after the completion of the course.

The programs offering guaranteed job placement are supposed to provide a 100% guarantee in a written commitment, so that they will stay true to it. But, organisations that offer 100% job guarantee are rare to find. In case you find any, they may not give any written statement and will be only concerned with you until you join the course.

What are the Features of a Guaranteed Placement Program?

Now, you must have understood the difference between a 100% job guarantee and placement assistance.

Sunstone provides 100% placement support when you apply for a course through us. We assure that you will get at least 50+ interviews with renowned global organisations. During these times of increasing unemployment rate, any kind of help in securing a job is crucial. Always choose an organisation which will assist you to combat the challenges thrown at you while searching for a job.

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