The education system is being significantly impacted by the technological surge we are witnessing today. After the outbreak of COVID 19 pandemic, schools had no choice but to shift on online platforms. In fact, it was due to the advent of digital classes, did the students continue their studies hassle-free amid the challenging times.
“Obstacles may not be just hurdles; they can be opportunities when seen from the other side.”
So as the digital classes are booming these days. Also, it is expected that this number will take a surge manifold in the coming 4 to 5 years. Now we need to understand that India is a country of 1. 3 billion people. Every year the number of people using internet os rising. So this number indicates a budding potential in the education system in India today.
As more and more people, especially at the parental age, are gaining internet literacy, it expected that digital classes would be widely accepted.
Importance of School ERP Systems in Digital Classes
Now, as the online adaptability is growing, there is a need to manage various other factors. In simple words, Schools is a unison of efficiently working processes. This is not just limited to teaching or learning; there is a lot of effort that goes “Behind The Scenes” to ensure that the classes happen smoothly.
There are administrative tasks and technical faculties which are to be taken care of. So now the burning question is that how will it all be done on a digital platform?
The answer is School ERP Systems.
“Technology has everything in store for us. We need to have the eye to grasp the right assistance at the right time.”
School ERPs are Enterprise Resource Planning systems which manage various vertices of the educational
Now the school ERP systems are online solutions which ensure a hassle-free administration activity. So school ERP systems are digitising the scholastic learning experience. So let’s understand the features of ERP solutions one by one:-
- ERP assists Education becoming “Technologically-Friendly”- The digital classes are not as easy to implement as it seems. There are chances of glitches, connectivity problems, and more because of which there can be monumental problems not appropriately resolved. Therefore, proper ERP systems are employed to the Education systems in online mode. The assist in employing technological friendly platforms which are compatible on standard browser like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etcetera.
- Administration- With the help of ERPS solutions, proper administration is maintained in the online mode itself. Also, since there is no manual task, the accuracy rate is immensely high when an ERP solution is employed.
- Fee Payment Methods Became Easy- See when the school is adopting digital classes, the fee payment systems are also devices digitally. To ensure a smooth transaction of the fee and other monetary purposes, the education systems employ ERP systems. As the name suggests itself, ERP is related to Enterprise Resource and Planning. So these solutions are tailormade to assist complex functions such as costing, accounting etcetera. So all the important aspects are easily managed by implementing the ERP systems.
- The Teachers and Students Management- When we say, digital classes, it doesn’t mean that only lectures are going on. There are thousands of information-related tasks which are parallelly going on. The school keeps a record of the information of each student as well as the teachers. This confidential information is preserved easily by embedding ERP solutions in the digital classes.
- The Staff Management- A school staff comprises the teachers, administrative team, library supervisors, Sanitisation staff and more. The school must maintain a proper record of these people. This is why they use ERP systems to gauge the data.
So in this way, the school ERPs are platforms that assist in transporting offline schooling to online platforms without affecting the students’ real-life experiences. See, even now, many schools are still in the initial stage of implementing this technology. Every significant progress takes its own time. However, in the near future, it is expected that digital classes will become ubiquitous. In such cases, ERP will act as catalyse to fasten the learning process of the students.