Virtual Schooling Can Bridge Gaps in Your Child’s Education

It’s safe to say that virtual schools have revolutionized modern-day educational practices. Accredited virtual high schools are just as effective (if not more so) than brick-and-mortar schools. They can help students of all ages successfully complete coursework and graduate with their desired diploma, allowing them access to their preferred postsecondary education.

Many assume eLearning through a virtual school is primarily for adult learners who want to take or retake high school courses. But it’s also an excellent way to bridge gaps in your child’s education. Here are a few reasons why eLearning might be a perfect solution or even an improvement for your kids.

Students Can Learn Anywhere in The World

If you receive a job offer that you can’t pass up, but it means moving across the country or even to a different continent, virtual high school can help. Children and teens can continue with their current coursework without missing a beat — eLearning allows learners to not only continue with their current curriculum, but they can do it at any time, day or night, meaning different time zones are no longer a factor.

This is beneficial in multiple ways: it doesn’t disrupt your child’s learning, and it also allows them to pursue the standard of education to which they are accustomed.

For example, learners in Ontario may wish to continue with their rigorous Ontario education, which is considered a leader in educational attainment. With minimal difficulty, parents can ensure their child continues this curriculum through accredited, top-tier schools like Ontario Virtual School. Here, courses are taught by a certified teacher; students complete courses with proctored exams, much like they would in a regular high school; and, if necessary, course grades are helpfully sent to the student’s new day school and processing centres for postsecondary applications. That said, courses are available to non-residents, too.

There’s Often Wider Course Availability

If you live in a rural area or if your child’s school simply has a small course selection, virtual high schools might be able to help. You’ll often find that accredited virtual high schools offer a greater variety of courses than those seen in their physical counterparts. If your child has expressed an interest in a course that’s beyond their high school’s parameters, consider looking online for eLearning solutions.

Supporting a child’s curiosity or interest will make them feel seen and valued while broadening their future opportunities.

Virtual School Can Help Children Experiencing Social Challenges

For some teens and younger children, brick-and-mortar schools can churn up a host of mental health challenges, including stress, anxiety, and depression. Some children may also experience bullying or isolation — factors that can control and dominate their school experience, leading to poor grades and missed classes.

At a virtual high school, students can avoid these stressors without compromising on or missing any elements of their educational journey. If a student has received a low grade or if they’ve failed a class, they can have a second chance to retake the course and earn a better grade. They can also see through the remainder of their high school experience virtually, should they wish to do so.

The Bottom Line

Life can often throw unexpected challenges our way. By pivoting and adapting, and enrolling your child or children in a virtual high school, you can easily bridge what would otherwise be a gap in education, awarding your children with the schooling that they deserve.