The education industry of the 21st century today is not worth less than any other industry. This is why, just like technological upgradation always brings benefits to manufacturing and service sectors, educational institutions can also benefit from the inclusion of technological tools. But what tools exactly?
Well, consider this- the largest proportion of people in the education process are students. This means that the amount of data they generate every day is also the largest in volume. It is this data that is often, the most difficult to manage. Enrolling students, making sure their fees are paid, keeping a check on their attendance and grades, and regularly communicating with the student body are all jobs which must be done perfectly by this ed-tech tool. The software hence developed, is known as the student information system.
For software that has so many facets to its design, it is no surprise that the SIS can be used to simplify and speed up every step of the educational administration process. Yet, the particular benefits an SIS offers depend upon the way it is used and the access it is granted by the educational institute managing it.
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A Centralized Administrative Platform
In any educational institution, the focus does not lie only on teaching a curriculum to the students- attention must be provided to cater towards different factions of the student body as well. This means creating efficient and student-centric administrative patterns and providing opportunities to improve students’ social lives as well.
There is new information provided every day by students, staff and their requirements. Hence it is understandable that there are many aspects which must be taken care of daily. A student information system helps centralize the entire system. In other words, instead of the administrative process being broken up into hundreds of different steps and charts, all of them are collated and reflected online.
The SIS provides an alternative to an otherwise quite confusing system of checking student records, maintaining grades and progress reports, navigating and scheduling appointments, uploading documents and notices, following up with class activities, fee payment, parent-teacher feedback and so much more- all in just one place.
Reduce Wasted Time And Missed Appointments
In most schools and universities that haven’t made ed-tech a part of their system yet, wait times are quite long, irrespective of whether you want to simply pick up a form or want to directly speak to a member of the staff. However, this should be far from the norm as waiting in line means wasted time that could otherwise be used to study or socialize. An SIS helps connect students and staff directly, so that they can enrol their names on a digitized waiting list and show up as and when their turn comes up.
This advantage can also be reaped by the members of the school staff as a missed student appointment can disrupt their workflow and keep them from going through the day as planned. With the help of a student information management system, staff can adjust their plans on the go, and instead, call up the next person in the line.
Better Accessibility- From Enrollment To Graduation
What do you think when you hear the word accessible? In today’s day and age, accessibility does not just refer to providing opportunities for those who cannot grab them themselves, but also creating more resources and opportunities in general. With rising competition in almost every sphere of the academic process, it is only natural to see both parents, as well as students, lose sleep over the same. To simplify the process, the student information system brings its centralized design to offer all details for potential students, such as per semester fee, additional courses, housing plans, application dates and more, all in one place.
Secondly, by providing clear lines of communication between the student and the teacher or administrative staff, and also between the parents and the staff, the entire educational process is made into a smoothly flowing network with minimal need for human intervention. Each party can access the portal differently based on their identification code, which means what you can and cannot edit in the system changes according to your role in the educational process.
A student information management system represents the future of education in a post-pandemic world. While our daily lives have resumed to where we were before it all, we have also realized the importance of technology to aid these processes. The SIS is an all-in-one solution which brings together the modern-day student with the back-to-school learning system. So, what are you waiting for? Bring the future to your classroom today!