Arts Degree

Very often, your college specialization ends up setting the tone for your future career. This is why, most students get cold feet while choosing their college specialisations. While it may be easier if you have a strong passion or a pet subject, it can be tricky if you are interested in a lot of subjects. In that case, you may wish there was a college option that provided you with a diverse set of career options.

Arts Degree

If you are still undecided on your college major or don’t want to spend a fortune on college education, you can consider enrolling in an Associate of Arts programme. This course can help develop a general skill set that can help establish your career in humanities, business or social sciences.

If you are considering joining an associate of arts course and want to know about the kind of available jobs with Associate of Arts degree, this blog can be a great source of information. It lists interesting career options for you to choose from after the course completion.

What are the career prospects of an Associate of Arts programme?

With an associate of arts degree, you can begin your career without having to go through a long college education. The course offers hands-on problem-solving skills in any job or industry. Here are a few interesting jobs that are available for you as an Associate of Arts graduate.

  • Para-legal official: If you are interested in the intricacies of the legal system, you can secure a job as a para-legal. The job involves researching and investigating cases, coordinating law activities and calling on witnesses to testify in courts. The job provides a solid foundation to pursue a legal education in the future.
  • Human resources assistant: If you are good at people skills and organisational skills, you can secure any entry level job in human resources (HR) including an HR assistant. The position requires you to work on policies and procedures for managing employees in a business setup.
  • Creative media assistant: If you have a creative bug and want to pursue a career in the media industry, this job is the perfect opening. You will be involved in the production and implementation of various creative or advertising campaigns.
  • Operations assistant: This is a well-paid entry level job. Operations assistants help in managing the production component of goods and services in an organisation. You must be well-acquainted with the different aspects of production such as labour laws to succeed at your job.
  • Business executive: As a business executive in an organisation, you will be responsible for pitching business ideas, closing sales, maintaining cordial relations with clients and making financial strategies for the growth of your organisation. A career in this position can help you show relevant work experience for an MBA.

Graduation, Ceremony, Joy, University, Graduate

Apart from these jobs, you can also start your career as a library associate, pre-school teacher, administrative associate or a language interpreter.

An Associate of Arts qualification can be a path to a successful high-paying career. Most employers consider AA graduates as ideal candidates owing to their skills to make an immediate difference. There are many universities that offer AA degrees online or in a conventional set-up – hence, look for courses that offer placement opportunities.