5 Ways in Which Email Marketing Automation Can Help Your Business

It would be ineffective to spend hours painstakingly writing individual emails for every one of your customers. At the same time, you don’t want to send mass email blasts to every subscriber on your list. If subscribers get communications that are unrelated to them, they are more likely to unsubscribe or mark your emails as spam. Fortunately, marketing automation may enable you to steer clear of these problems and boost ROI. You may learn about email marketing automation and how to use it to develop efficient email marketing strategies by taking an online course in digital marketing.

Using technologies like MailChimp or Hubspot, email marketing automation is the process of delivering targeted emails at specified times or in reaction to specific activities performed by your clients. It all comes down to sending the correct message to the right audience at the appropriate moment. We’ll examine five causes for your company’s success.

● Personalizing Will Boost Transactions

Assume you are travelling down a busy street. Are you more likely to turn around if someone calls out to you or uses your name? You’re more likely to pay attention when someone addresses you by name, and email marketing is no exception.

You can add personalised fields (like first name and company name) that are filled out with information from your email list when you use email marketing automation software.

Marketing emails with personalised subject lines have a 26% greater reach rate than without, and e – mails with tailored content could have a six-fold greater transaction rate than with generic content. These statistics suggest that personalising emails to the recipient may have a significant effect.

● Divide Up Your Emails

It would be ineffective to spend hours painstakingly writing individual emails for every one of your customers. At the same time, you don’t want to send mass email blasts to every subscriber on your list. If subscribers get communications that are unrelated to them, they are more likely to unsubscribe or mark your emails as spam. Fortunately, marketing automation may enable you to steer clear of these problems and boost ROI.

Using technologies like MailChimp or Hubspot, email marketing automation is the process of delivering targeted emails at specified times or in reaction to specific activities performed by your clients. It all comes down to sending the correct message to the right audience at the appropriate moment.

Similar to customizable fields, segmenting your email list with your marketing automation software might increase engagement. Taking up an email marketing course will help you understand how email marketing segmentation works and how you can automate your mails.

● Synchronise With Your Customers’ Buying Cycles

Vacature: Email Marketing Automation Consultant | LevelUp Group

The capacity to time communications to reach clients at the ideal moment is another benefit of marketing automation. Let’s say you run a company that sells eco-friendly cleaning supplies. You might send an email three weeks after they buy the dish soap asking them to renew since you know that your typical client consumes a bottle of XYZ Dish Soap every month.

To take advantage of this email automation strategy, you do not need to sell products that customers will repurchase. You can plan communications that go along with seasonal shopping trends or send messages promoting products that are comparable to what a customer just bought. The email marketing course is appropriate for people who wish to quickly learn what they need to know about email automation and other communications.

● Drip Marketing Maintain Leads’ Interest.

An automatic series of emails sent to leads on a regular basis for a predetermined period of time is known as a drip campaign. Why would you do this with marketing automation? Drip campaigns, for instance, could be a great way to keep your business in the minds of those who are considering your product or service but aren’t quite ready to make a purchase.

You can keep your leads warm until they’re ready to buy by using these emails to react to frequently asked questions, address customer concerns, and demonstrate how your products solve problems. When compared to single-send efforts, drip programmes have an open rate of 80% and a click-through rate that is 300% greater.


Although most people use email marketing in some capacity, not all of them automate it. The capacity to individually tailor every customer’s experience on a large scale is what makes email marketing automation special.

When a person feels seen, they engage, and when they engage, they convert. Therefore, we advise choosing an PG in Digital Marketing taught by industry experts through live lectures and case studies if you want to master email marketing as well as study digital marketing strategies and soft skills.

Author’s Bio

Karan Shah

Founder and CEO at IIDE

Karan Shah is an Edu-preneur, Tedx speaker, Harvard alumnus specializing in eCommerce, and the founder of IIDE – The Digital School.

He is a reputed author on the topics of education, digital marketing, and Ed-techs. Over the years he has penned a plethora of articles in leading news outlets such as Entrepreneur, BusinessWorld, Education Times, and Youth Magazine to name a few.