4 Reasons to Return to School as a Mature Student

According to census surveys, an estimated 11 percent of the population never completed high school. Despite education being a de facto universal right, some students face insurmountable roadblocks on their path to educational attainment.

For some students, job prospects pulled them away from school – they needed to provide for a family in the absence of a primary earner at home, for example. Others simply didn’t feel comfortable in their educational surroundings. Maybe they felt held back by the classroom pace or an antagonistic teacher. Or perhaps they just weren’t in the right headspace for school when they were 17.

Everyone’s educational journey is different. Just because you didn’t complete high school as a teenager doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to complete it now. If you are considering attending high school as a mature student, consider these four compelling reasons.

Better Job Prospects and Higher Pay Scales

According to several comprehensive studies, students with a high school diploma or higher face better job prospects in the workforce. Moreover, degree holders command a higher average salary.

If you want your salary to keep pace with your potential, consider returning to school as a mature student. Consider it an official demonstration of your intellect and skills – something you can put on a CV when you apply for your next job.

And who knows: You might even like school so much that you attend a post-secondary college or university. Those same studies show that pay and prospects rise significantly with a post-secondary degree.

Online Schools Make Education Easy and Flexible

The most common obstacles mature students face when deciding to go back are:

  • Flexibility issues: They believe they can’t balance work, family obligations and school
  • Mobility issues: They can’t make the commute work within their busy schedule
  • Confidence issues: They worry about failing or falling behind in class or worry about fitting in with younger students

Those common anxieties are justifiable – but they really only apply to brick-and-mortar classroom education. Nowadays, you can earn the same course credits and diplomas at an accredited online school like Ontario eSecondary School. Online courses are flexible and self-paced, meaning students can fit them within a busy work schedule. They are entirely online, so there are no commutes or physical interactions with other students. And online schools have robust support systems to ensure you get the time and tutoring you need to succeed.

Set a Good Example for the Next Generation

Finally, heading back to school sets a stellar example for the young people in your life – whether that’s kids, grandkids, nieces, nephews, etc.

Although you may be happy – perhaps even successful – with your level of education, you probably still want the young people in your life to value their education. Returning to school to complete your high school diploma sends a clear message about the value of academic motivation and personal achievement. Besides, it might even help you bond with the young learners in your life.

If you’re considering the prospect of returning to school after a long hiatus, keep the points above in mind. The financial and personal benefits of adult education are numerous.